Tannoy Activ-Assist Automated Speaker Calibration Kit for Reveal D & Precision D Monitors

Tannoy Activ-Assist Automated Speaker Calibration Kit for Reveal D & Precision D Monitors

  • Rs. 73.00

Activ-Assist calibration software package for Reveal D and Precision D monitors. Designed to assist the user in set-up of the monitors to provide optimum performance compensating for potential placement problems.


  • Tannoy Activ-Assist software is designed to assist the user of Tannoy active monitors in setting the DIP switch equalisation features to account for mid, near and close field monitoring distances and varying air loading on the bass driver caused by operating in half, quarter and eighth space environments (sometimes referred to as 'Baffle Step' effect). Typically, these environments could be against a wall or on a table or large support surface such as the meter bridge of a console (half space), in a corner (quarter space) or a worst-case situation such as mounted in a corner on a shelf or table or in a typical outside broadcast mobile vehicle (eighth space)
  • The program measures the sound radiation characteristics of the monitor compared with a built in anechoic free space reference for a particular model and recommends one of over 2000 DIP switch combinations to get the best possible response for the listener in difficult acoustic conditions. The software, supplied with a pre-calibrated microphone (or use your own flat response microphone with the supplied cables or your own cables) and the necessary cables, requires a typical Windows or MAC notebook, laptop or desktop computer with a standard sound card input/output facility.